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Financial Reports of AS SEB banka

Annual Reports
Annual Statement 2015 (PDF)

Interim Reports
SEB banka consolidated and bank financial reports as at 31 December 2015 (PDF)
SEB banka consolidated and bank financial reports as at 30 September 2015 (PDF)
SEB banka consolidated and bank financial reports as at 30 June 2015 (PDF)
SEB banka consolidated and bank financial reports as at 31 March 2015 (PDF)

SEB companies in Latvia 

Financial Reports of SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE

Annual Reports
Finanšu pārskats par 2015.gadu (PDF)

Interim Reports
Publiskais pārskats uz 2015. gada 31. decembri (PDF)
Publiskais pārskats uz 2015. gada 30. septembri (PDF)
Publiskais pārskats uz 2015. gada 30. jūniju (PDF)
Publiskais pārskats uz 2015. gada 31. martu (PDF)

Financial Reports of SEB Investment Managemen
Annual Report 2015 (PDF)

Capital Adequacy and Risk Management Report (Pillar 3) 2015

Capital adequacy and risk management report relates to disclosure in accordance with the CRR (EU Regulation No 575/2013) and CRD IV (Directive No 2013/36/EU).

During 2013, the EU updated its capital requirements legislation in line with the new Basel III Framework. The revised legislation, which embraces the CRR (EU Regulation No 575/2013) and CRD IV (Directive No 2013/36/EU), has been applicable from 1 January 2014. Capital adequacy and risk management report (Pillar 3) 2015 is constructed in accordance with the new Basel III requirements and the Financial and capital market commission regulations on the material of the information, proprietary or confidential information and disclosure periodicity.

Capital adequacy and risk management report provides information on the SEB bank's risk profile, for instance, the amount of operations by customer categories and risk classes that are at the basis of capital adequacy assessment. The report complements the information provided in the 2015 Annual Report.

SEB appreciates the higher transparency resulting from Pillar 3 reports. The quality of our credit portfolio and our internal risk management culture promotes the reduction of risk weighted assets below Basel I requirements. This, however, does not free up capital in the same amount, given the transitional requirements for the assessment of high sensitivity to the business cycle to be conducted by supervisory authorities. The objective of SEB's Capital Policy is to maintain a capital base that is sufficient to address potential risks arising from increased uncertainty in the operational environment.

SEB applies an internal-ratings based (IRB) approach to reporting on the bank's portfolios, corporate customers, mortgage loans and retail exposures, which correspond to 95 % of total risk weighted assets (RWA). Reports on other portfolios are prepared using the standardized approach. SEB will continue applying the IRB approach gradually to the entire retail exposure portfolio.

Since the beginning of 2008, SEB in Latvia has been authorised by the Financial and Capital Market Commission (FCMC) to report on operational risk by means of the Advanced Measurement Approach. With regards to market risk, SEB in Latvia uses the standardized approach for capital but, at the same time, market risk is managed in line with the internal Value at Risk (VaR) Model of SEB Group.

Capital Adequacy and Risk Management Report (Pillar 3) 2015 (PDF)

Financial Reports of AS SEB banka

Annual Reports
Annual Statement 2014 (PDF)

Interim Reports
SEB banka consolidated and bank financial reports as at 31 December 2014 (PDF)
SEB banka consolidated and bank financial reports as at 30 September 2014 (PDF)
SEB banka consolidated and bank financial reports as at 30 June 2014 (PDF)
SEB banka consolidated and bank financial reports as at 31 March 2014 (PDF)

SEB companies in Latvia 

Financial Reports of SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE

Annual Reports
Finanšu pārskats par 2014.gadu (PDF)

Interim Reports
Publiskais pārskats uz 2014. gada 31. decembri (PDF)
Publiskais pārskats uz 2014. gada 30. septembri (PDF)
Publiskais pārskats uz 2014. gada 30. jūniju (PDF)
Publiskais pārskats uz 2014. gada 31. martu (PDF)

Financial Reports of SEB Investment Managemen
Annual Report 2014 (PDF)
Annual Report's 2014 attachment (PDF)

Capital Adequacy and Risk Management Report (Pillar 3) 2014

Capital adequacy and risk management report relates to disclosure in accordance with the CRR (EU Regulation No 575/2013) and CRD IV (Directive No 2013/36/EU).

During 2013, the EU updated its capital requirements legislation in line with the new Basel III Framework. The revised legislation, which embraces the CRR (EU Regulation No 575/2013) and CRD IV (Directive No 2013/36/EU), has been applicable from 1 January 2014. Capital adequacy and risk management report (Pillar 3) 2014 is constructed in accordance with the new Basel III requirements.

Capital adequacy and risk management report provides information on the SEB bank's risk profile, for instance, the amount of operations by customer categories and risk classes that are at the basis of capital adequacy assessment. The report complements the information provided in the 2014 Annual Report.

SEB appreciates the higher transparency resulting from Pillar 3 reports. The quality of our credit portfolio and our internal risk management culture promotes the reduction of risk weighted assets below Basel I requirements. This, however, does not free up capital in the same amount, given the transitional requirements for the assessment of high sensitivity to the business cycle to be conducted by supervisory authorities. The objective of SEB's Capital Policy is to maintain a capital base that is sufficient to address potential risks arising from increased uncertainty in the operational environment.

SEB applies an internal-ratings based (IRB) approach to reporting on the bank's portfolios, corporate customers, mortgage loans and retail exposures, which correspond to 95 % of total risk weighted assets (RWA). Reports on other portfolios are prepared using the standardized approach. SEB will continue applying the IRB approach gradually to the entire retail exposure portfolio.

Since the beginning of 2008, SEB in Latvia has been authorised by the Financial and Capital Market Commission (FCMC) to report on operational risk by means of the Advanced Measurement Approach. With regards to market risk, SEB in Latvia uses the standardized approach for capital but, at the same time, market risk is managed in line with the internal Value at Risk (VaR) Model of SEB Group.

Capital Adequacy and Risk Management Report (Pillar 3) 2014 (PDF)

Financial Reports of AS SEB banka

Annual Reports
Annual Statement 2013 (PDF)

Interim Reports
SEB banka consolidated and bank financial reports as at 31 December 2013 (PDF)
SEB banka consolidated and bank financial reports as at 30 September 2013 (PDF)
SEB banka consolidated and bank financial reports as at 30 June 2013 (PDF)
SEB banka consolidated and bank financial reports as at 31 March 2013 (PDF)

SEB companies in Latvia 

Financial Reports of SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE

Annual Reports
Saīsinātais finanšu pārskats par 2013.gadu (PDF)

Interim Reports
Publiskais pārskats uz 2013. gada 31. decembri (PDF)
Publiskais pārskats uz 2013. gada 30. septembri (PDF)
Publiskais pārskats uz 2013. gada 30. jūniju (PDF)
Publiskais pārskats uz 2013. gada 31. martu (PDF)

Financial Reports of SEB Investment Management
Annual Report 2013 (PDF)

Capital Adequacy and Risk Management Report (Pillar 3) 2013

The Capital Adequacy and Risk Management Report concerns the disclosures required under the Capital Adequacy Directive (CAD) that implemented the Basel II Framework in the European Union. The new regime has been in force in Latvia since 1 January 2008.

During 2013, the EU updated its capital requirements legislation in line with the new Basel III Framework. The revised legislation, which embraces the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV) and the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR 575), has been applicable from 1 January 2014. The full implementation of CAD IV and CRR 575 in SEB in Latvia will be reflected in the Pillar 3 Report for the current year.

SEB applies an internal-ratings based (IRB) approach to reporting on the bank's portfolios, corporate customers, mortgage loans and retail exposures, which correspond to 97 % of total risk weighted assets (RWA). Reports on other portfolios are prepared using the standardized approach. SEB will continue applying the IRB approach gradually to the entire retail exposure portfolio.

Since the beginning of 2008, SEB in Latvia has been authorised by the Financial and Capital Market Commission (FCMC) to report on operational risk by means of the Advanced Measurement Approach. With regards to market risk, SEB in Latvia uses the standardized approach for capital but, at the same time, market risk is managed in line with the internal Value at Risk (VaR) Model of SEB Group.

SEB appreciates the higher transparency resulting from Pillar 3 reports. The quality of our credit portfolio and our internal risk management culture promotes the reduction of risk weighted assets below Basel I requirements. This, however, does not free up capital in the same amount, given the transitional requirements for the assessment of high sensitivity to the business cycle to be conducted by supervisory authorities. The objective of SEB's Capital Policy is to maintain a capital base that is sufficient to address potential risks arising from increased uncertainty in the operational environment.

The Capital Adequacy and Risk Management Report provides information on the risk profile of SEB in Latvia, for example, concerning the volume of transactions by customer category and risk class which forms the basis for the assessment of capital adequacy. The Report supplements the financial statements for 2013.

Capital Adequacy and Risk Management Report (Pillar 3) 2013 (PDF)

Financial Reports of AS SEB banka

Annual Reports
Annual Statement 2005 (PDF)

SEB companies in Latvia 

Financial Reports of SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE

Annual Reports
Bilance (PDF)
Peļņas vai zaudējumu aprēķins (PDF)

Financial Reports of AS SEB banka

Annual Reports
Annual Statement 2004 (PDF)

SEB companies in Latvia 

Financial Reports of SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE

Annual reports
Bilance (PDF)
Peļņas vai zaudējumu aprēķins (PDF)

Financial Reports of AS SEB banka

Annual Reports
Annual Statement (PDF)
2003 Auditor Report (PDF)

SEB companies in Latvia

Financial Reports of SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE

Annual Reports
2003. gada finanšu pārskats (PDF)

Financial Reports of AS SEB banka

Annual Reports
Annual Statement 2002 (PDF)
Auditor Report (PDF)

SEB companies in Latvia 

Financial Reports of SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE

Annual Reports
2002. gada finanšu pārskats (PDF)

Financial Reports of AS SEB banka

Annual Reports
Annual Statement 2001 (PDF)

Financial Reports of AS SEB banka

Annual Reports
Annual Statement 2000 (PDF)

Financial Reports of AS SEB banka

Annual Reports
Annual Statement 1999 (PDF)

Financial Reports of AS SEB banka

Annual Reports
Annual Statement 1998 (PDF)

Financial Reports of AS SEB banka

Annual Reports
Annual Statement 1997 (PDF)

Financial Reports of AS SEB banka

Annual Reports
Annual Statement 1996 (PDF)

Financial Reports of AS SEB banka

Annual Reports
Annual Statement 1995 (PDF)

Financial Reports of AS SEB banka

Annual Reports
Annual Statement 1994 (PDF)