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Multi-currency account


If you engage in transactions in various currencies, we encourage you to use a multi-currency current account. Using internet banking, you can easily add additional currencies to the existing account or open a new current account.

  • The money credited to the account is held in the same currency 
  • You can exchange currencies at any time convenient for you

By default, your company’s account has a single currency, and the incoming payments in other currencies would be exchanged to the base currency of the account. To start benefiting from the advantages offered by a multi-currency account, you would need to add additional currencies to the account.


Payments from the multi-currency account

If you need to make a transfer of a certain currency, however the balance of the payment currency is not sufficient, you can use an option to exchange the currency within your the multi-currency account via Internet banking, as well as transfer the required amount from the additional currency selected by you to the currency of the intended payment.

Service Fee
Opening Free of charge
Servicing per month:
  • for the customers who have a personal identity document issued in Latvia or in the EEA1
1.00 EUR
  • for the customers who have a personal identity document issued outside the EEA2
15.00 EUR
Customer's funds administrating monthly fee for Customer with whom SEB bank is terminated cooperation3 75.00 EUR
Closing (including transfer of the account balance to another account at SEB banka) Free of charge

1 The commission fee is not applied for:

  • any SEB bank Customer plan users (incl. Customer plans participants according to Customer plan conditions);
  • customers up to 25 years old (inclusive).

2 The commission fee is not applied for Entry offer users up to 25 years old (inclusive).

3 The commission fee is applied if Customer until date mentioned in SEB bank to Customer sent notification not fulfilled SEB bank requirements about account (incl. securities account) balance transferring. Fee is charged each month from funds which are not transferred after SEB bank request to Customer account opened in another credit institution.