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If the pension savings in 3rd pension pillar are formed by your employer


Savings formed by your employer will provide additional funds for your retirement years. It is your property that you can also complement with individual contributions and regularly follow its amount in SEB internet bank.

If your employer has already created your private pension savings, you will benefit from an increase savings by individual contributions. Making individual contributions is simple and convenient: conclude 3rd pension pillar agreement in the internet bank and freely supplement your savings with the amount of your choice.

Calculate the prospective additional contribution in order to fully benefit from tax incentives

The tax deduction limit, together with the employer's contribution, is 25,5% of your gross annual salary. The employer can pay your 3rd pension pillar contributions up to 10% of your gross annual salary and another 10% can be paid individually, but the total amount of individual contributions can not exceed 4 000 EUR per year.

Private retirement savings already created by your employer are your property, even when your employment relationship has ended.

After termination of the employment relationship, you can sign an individual membership agreement via internet bank or SEB customer service points and continue to supplement your savings through individual contributions of your choice. You can also agree with your new employer on making contributions in your savings.

Sign agreement via internet bank