Receive a tax refund of 25.5% from the contributions made to your savings
For a tailored calculation for you, please enter your details. Please note that the tax information provided is based on the currently valid regulatory enactments in the field of taxation, which may change over time. The tax result may vary in each case.
The calculated values are preliminary and the final amount will be calculated when you submit your tax declaration. In order to receive the refund, you must submit a personal income tax declaration.
Investments in funds – a modern and popular approach to saving
- The Insurer will hand over your deposited and accrued money for management to an investment fund manager chosen by you, who will invest it in shares of different companies, government bonds and other financial instruments, according to the principles of the chosen fund.
- The investment fund manager will take care of the funds invested in the fund, monitor and, if necessary, make the necessary changes to ensure the best possible result.
- It is possible to keep track of your savings in SEB internet bank as well as make various amendments to the contract – to change the selected funds in which your current savings are located, funds for future contributions, as well as the allowable risk level.
- We will help to choose the most suitable solution for the wishes and possibilities of both – experienced customers and beginners in the financial markets.
Receipt of the savings
When concluding a contract, you will determine its term, but the contract may also be terminated earlier.
*In accordance with the law “On personal income tax”, income from savings with life insurance of a natural person is subject to tax. The payable tax is 20% of the life insurance contract income, determined as the difference between the payable savings and all contributions paid during the contract (instead of the amount of all savings). The tax is to be paid on the date of earning the income, namely, at the moment of payment of savings or redemption cost and the payer of the specific income is responsible for the collection of the tax, i.e. SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE. So you will not need to take any additional action on the declaration and payment of tax.
* If personal income tax benefit has been received, the personal income tax will have to be reimbursed for the amount for which the tax benefit has been applied upon termination of the contract for the first 10 years.
More on Life insurance with savings
Key Investor Information (LAT)
Terms and Conditions No. 101.060 (in force starting from 18.12.2019) (PDF)
Deductions for Life insurance with savings (with investment in funds)
Prices and rates of return
Tax refund calculator
What insurance security is available?
What should be done when an insurance event occurs?
Internet bank guide
SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE announcements
SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE consultants
Contacts and requisite information
Sustainability-related information disclosure
Consultation on the conclusion of the agreement, review of the application |
Free of charge |
Purchase or sales of investment units |
Free of charge |
Changes in allocation of further contributions or existing savings |
Free of charge |
Change of life insurance sum insured |
Free of charge |
Minimum life insurance sum insured |
150.00 EUR |
Minimum accident additional insurance sum insured |
1500.00 EUR |
Minimum surrender value |
0.00 EUR |
Terms of executing calculations, amendments and termination
Purchase of investment units |
Within 5 working days after receipt of the insurance premium1 |
Calculation of the accumulation in case of death of Insured |
Within 5 working days after the application submission date1 |
Payout of the accumulation in case of death of Insured |
Within 30 days after the application submission date1 |
Calculation of the accumulation in case of termination of the insurance agreement |
The surrender value is calculated in accordance with the agreement within 5 working days after the application submission date1 |
Calculation of accumulation in case of maturity of the insurance agreement |
Within 5 working days after the agreement end date1 |
Changes in allocation of further contributions |
Within 5 working days after the application submission date |
Changes in allocation of existing savings: |
Within 5 working days after the application submission date1 |
Within 5 working days after execution of the sale transaction1 |
Change of the Life insurance sum insured (changes take effect starting with the next payment period indicated in the policy) |
Within 10 working days after the receipt of all required documents |
Currency exchange rate
Currency exchange rate, if currency exchange is required |
Currency at the exchange rates of the European Central Bank on the day of the calculations |
Guaranteed yield of savings
EUR | USD | |
Guaranteed savings | 0% | 0% |
Effective as of 15.07.2021
1 Except when a Management Company provides the performance of transactions according to a different schedule (for example, Funds may be closed for transactions and the value of their units is not calculated if there is a bank holiday in the country in which the fund is registered or/and managed).
The service is offered and provided by SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE, registration number: 40003012938.