SEB Baltic Gateway, a solution appreciated by many companies, enables fast and secure exchange of financial data by establishing a direct connection between the company’s accounting system and the bank. Baltic Gateway offers the possibility to automatically receive information about transactions on accounts and POS terminals, send electronic invoices to the bank and make outgoing payments without using the Internet bank.
The possibilities offered by SEB Baltic Gateway have been highly appreciated by the RIMI Baltic Group, which has been using this solution for several years.
The advantages of Baltic Gateway are described by Kārlis Kaneps-Kalniņš, Head of Treasury and Insurance at the RIMI Baltic Group: “First and foremost, it’s about the availability of data. Gateway provides the necessary data for accounting – bank account statements and POS reports. Secondly, it’s about automation. The RIMI Group comprises several companies with many bank accounts, so manual data processing would be difficult and labour-intensive.
Thirdly, the gateway connection ensures that the data is received, automatically loaded into the accounting system, processed and the bank payments executed. And fourthly, there is risk management. If the company has organised the access and authorisation rights correctly, the gateway connection ensures greater security and reduces risks. For example, it is more difficult to falsify data and pass it on to unauthorised persons.”
For some time now, the RIMI Gateway service has also been using the payment signature tool offered by SEB. Kārlis Kaneps-Kalniņš points out that there are currently not many solutions on the market that would ensure transparent visualisation, sorting and processing of data, as well as digital signing and transmission of payments to the bank.
“That is why we decided to implement these solutions in the SAP accounting programme and use SEB’s payment signing tool, which meets the above-mentioned requirements. In addition, the digital signing of SEB Baltic Gateway increases the security of payments, as the information about the payment does not end up in a third-party system - the payments from our SAP accounting programme go directly to SEB, where they are also signed,” says Kārlis Kaneps-Kalniņš.
RIMI’s experience confirms that payment processing with the Baltic Gateway is easier and more secure, as no third-party software needs to be used for payment processing. For companies planning to implement a similar solution, the Rimi representative recommends first assessing how labour-intensive the process of bank payments, statement processing and POS reporting currently is. If these processes need to be automated but an internet bank is currently being used, consider implementing Baltic Gateway or an equivalent solution that will make payments more efficient, reduce risk and improve payment security.