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2nd pension pillar investment plans for clients aged 15 to 50


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SEB dynamic plan

  • The most profitable in Latvia among all actively managed pension plans in the last 5 years*
  • Profitability +9,90% per year*
  • Low fixed commission fee: 0,43% per year
  • Variable commission fee: from 0% to 0,05% per year
  • Investments in stocks up to 100%
  • High investment risk
  • Actively managed plan

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SEB index plan

  • The most profitable 2nd pension pillar plan in Latvia over the last 5 years*
  • Profitability +12,11% per year*
  • Low fixed commission fee: 0,30% per year
  • Variable commission fee: not applied
  • Investments in stocks up to 100%
  • High investment risk
  • Plan with a passive management strategy


Source: 09.12.2019. – 09.12.2024.
Historical investment result does not guarantee equivalent result in the future.

Which plan is the most suitable for you?

Actively managed funds – When a fund is actively managed, an SEB fund manager regularly monitors and amends investment portfolios according to economic and financial market outlooks. The fund manager makes investments to global listed markets, as well as local markets and asset classes not accessible to index funds – such as private equity, real estate and venture capital. The fund manager follows the SEB sustainability strategy to make a positive impact on society and environment, in addition to earning the highest possible return.

Passively managed funds – When a fund is passively managed, its aim is to follow the performance of global financial market indices. With index funds, an SEB fund manager doesn't manage the market risk of the fund. The fund makes investments only in global listed equity markets.

Calculate how much you could save in an age-suitable SEB plan

Saving in an age-suitable plan could increase your savings from a few to tens of thousands of euros.

Frequently asked questions

The 2nd pension pillar is part of the three-tier pension system. Each month, 5% of your gross salary goes to the 2nd pension pillar. This money is invested in financial markets through the fund manager of your choice, with the aim of increasing it over the long term. Find out more (LAT) about the pension system.

You can find out who manages your 2nd pension pillar savings, which plan you have chosen and the amount of your savings at

To join SEB investment plans, you don’t have to be a customer of SEB. Choose the most suitable plan for you above, by press the button “Apply” and proceed to the next steps at

Choosing an age-suitable plan will make a big difference to the amount of your pension in the long term. 


20+ years until retirement.
Active investing    

At the beginning of the savings period, you can take on higher investment risk by choosing plans that invest more in shares.


10+ years until retirement.
Moderately active investing

While slowly approaching retirement age, you can reduce your investment in shares by choosing moderately active plans that also invest in bonds.   


<10 years until retirement.
Balanced investing

Before retirement age, wait for the right moment and change your pension plan to a more conservative one, making the most of investments in bonds. This will help to better preserve your accumulated capital.

Contract fees are an important criterion for choosing a 2nd pension pillar plan – the lower the contract fees, the higher the proportion of contributions that go into savings (SEB contract fees are among the lowest in the market). But it is important to look at the plan as a whole: whether it is age-suitable, what its long-term profitability is, where the investments are made and other aspects. 

For actively managed plans (for example, SEB dynamic plan) the fund manager actively monitors market trends and makes changes to the investment strategy to achieve better results.

For passively managed plans (for example, SEB index plan) the fund manager spreads investments across a wide range of companies without actively changing the investment strategy originally chosen.

Only licensed investment management companies, such as SEB Investment Management, can manage the 2nd pension pillar. The money management process is closely monitored by the Bank of Latvia and the pension plan’s custodial bank.

You may find out the amount of your 2nd pension pillar savings at any SSIA branch office or in the portal (selecting the report "Account statement of participant of 2nd pension pillar" or "SSIA information and services").

When you reach the state retirement age or retire early, you have to choose how to receive the accumulated 2nd pension pillar capital.

  1. To add the accrued 2nd pension pillar capital to your 1st pension plan and receive it together with the state retirement pension.
  2. Choose Lifetime pension insurance from one of the insurance service providers. By choosing Lifetime pension insurance, you will be able to adjust the amount of accumulated capital payments and receive money in your account. Lifetime pension insurance allows you to leave the accumulated capital as inheritance.

Why choose SEB 2nd pension pillar investment plans?

Responsible and stable savings management
Our goal is to increase accumulated capital in the long term
In our offer, everyone will find the most suitable plan
We have been taking care of our customers’ pension savings for more than 20 years. Each fifth participant of the 2nd pension pillar trusts his/her savings to SEB

Do you have any questions about the 2nd pension pillar savings?

Complete our simple form and one of our pension advisors will be in touch with you soon.

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