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3rd pension pillar plans


The right plan – to increase your pension

In order to achieve good results in the long term, it is recommended to choose a plan that is appropriate for your age. If you are still far away from retirement, we recommend to choose a pension plan that has a larger part of the savings invested in equities. In turn, as retirement approach, we recommend you to choose a pension plan which has a smaller part of the savings invested in equities.
The service is offered and provided by AS "SEB atklātais pensiju fonds" (registration number: 40003485047).

Our commission fee discount program can help to accumulate more in the long term.
Detailed and easily reviewable savings report in SEB internet bank.
SEB supports responsible investments. If you save for your pension in SEB’s 3rd pension pillar plans, you invest in environmentally friendly and sustainable companies.
Already, 88 thousand customers entrust their 3rd pension pillar savings to SEB.

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Age: 18–45
SEB-Climate index plan

  • If more than 20 years left until retirement
  • The plan represents a passive investment method that follows global stock indices. Therefore, the profitability of the plan is expected to correspond to the situation in the financial markets
  • Investments in equities up to 100%. All investments are made considering sustainability principles.
  • High level of risk

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Age: 18-52
SEB-Active plan

  • If more than 10 years left until retirement
  • The objective of the plan is to ensure higher pension capital over a longer period of time by using higher risk investments
  • Up to 50% in equities
  • Medium level of risk

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Age: 53+
SEB-Balanced plan

  • If less than 10 years left until retirement
  • The objective of the plan is to provide stable yet sufficiently dynamic growth of the pension capital in the long term
  • Not more than 25% – in equities
  • Low level of risk

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Simple and easy steps to calculate

Calculate how much can you save and receive in tax refunds

Set your monthly net salary and pension you would like to get

Apply via internet bank

Why save with a 3rd pillar pension?

Flexible contributions and the possibility to receive the savings from the age of 55
Pension plans with different levels of risk, suitable for customers of different ages
Possibility to receive a tax refund
It is possible to inherit the savings

Receive a tax refund of 25.5% from the contributions made to your savings

For a tailored calculation for you, please enter your details. Please note that the tax information provided is based on the currently valid regulatory enactments in the field of taxation, which may change over time. The tax result may vary in each case.

The calculated values are preliminary and the final amount will be calculated when you submit your tax declaration. In order to receive the refund, you must submit a personal income tax declaration.

Price list

Service Fee
Entering into the Agreement Free of charge
Changing a pension plan Free of charge
Change in the amount or period of contributions Free of charge
Receipt of savings Free of charge

3rd pension pillar agreement fees from assets of the pension plan per annum*

Pension plans Client group To the Asset Holder** To the Asset Manager** To the Pension Fund ** Total (per annum)


SEB Standard customer 0.06% 0.4% 0.45% 0.91%
SEB Gold level customer,
Customer of the European Commission
0.06% 0.4% 0.12% 0.58%
Customer with 3rd pension pillar savings of 100 000 EUR or more,
Solidarity tax payer,
SEB Private Banking customer
0.06% 0.35% 0.12% 0.53%

SEB-Climate index plan

SEB Standard customer 0.05% 0.25% 0.45% 0.75%
SEB Gold level customer,
Customer of the European Commission,
Customer with 3rd pension pillar savings of 100 000 EUR or more,
Solidarity tax payer,
SEB Private Banking customer
0.05% 0.25% 0.12% 0.42%

* If the customer complies with several groups, the lowest contract fee is applied. If the client makes both individual contributions and the contributions for the benefit of the client are made by the employer, one contract fee is applied – the lowest.
** To the Asset Holder: AS “SEB banka” carries out transactions and accounting of contributions to the client's pension plan account, ensures that the Asset manager complies with investment strategies and performs safe investments.
To the Asset Manager: IPAS “SEB Investment Management” provides investments of contributions according to the pension plan to increase savings in the long term.
To the Pension Fund: AS "SEB atklātais pensiju fonds" provides accounting of the deposited funds to the pension plan participant’s individual savings account. Provides customers with regular information on savings and customer service. Executes operations with savings at the customer's request. Provides information to state supervisory authorities.

3rd pension pillar agreement fees from assets of the pension plan per annum*

Pension plans Client group To the Asset Holder*** To the Asset Manager*** To the Pension Fund*** Total (per annum)


On the basis of the Individual participation agreement 0.06% 0.4% 0.45% 0.91%
On the basis of the Collective participation agreement** 0.06% 0.4% 0.12% 0.58%
If the contributor is a large corporate client of SEB**,
If the contributor is a legal entity with a total amount of contributions to the pension fund of 100 000 EUR and more**
0.06% 0.35% 0.12% 0.53%

SEB-Climate index plan

On the basis of the Individual participation agreement 0.05% 0.25% 0.45% 0.75%
On the basis of the Collective participation agreement**,
If the contributor is a large corporate client of SEB**,
If the contributor is a legal entity with a total amount of contributions to the pension fund of 100 000 EUR and more**
0.05% 0.25% 0.12% 0.42%

* If the customer complies with several groups, the lowest contract fee is applied. If the client makes both individual contributions and the contributions for the benefit of the client are made by the employer, one contract fee is applied – the lowest.
** After the employment relationship has ended collective agreement participants, whose employer made contributions in the 3rd pension pillar on behalf of the employee, will receive the Customer benefits programme’s Gold level customer commission fee.
*** To the Asset Holder: AS “SEB banka” carries out transactions and accounting of contributions to the client's pension plan account, ensures that the Asset manager complies with investment strategies and performs safe investments.
To the Asset Manager: IPAS “SEB Investment Management” provides investments of contributions according to the pension plan to increase savings in the long term.
To the Pension Fund: AS "SEB atklātais pensiju fonds" provides accounting of the deposited funds to the pension plan participant’s individual savings account. Provides customers with regular information on savings and customer service. Executes operations with savings at the customer's request. Provides information to state supervisory authorities.

Receipt of the savings

It is possible to receive the 3rd pension pillar savings from the age of 55. Nevertheless, you may continue your membership in the plan until the time of your choice, thus further increasing your savings.

  • After reaching the age of 55, submit a 3rd pension pillar pay-out application in SEB internet bank or in person at a branch of SEB banka.
  • In the event of the death of a participant of the 3rd pension pillar savings, the person(s) designated by the participant will inherit the savings (beneficiary). If such will not be indicated, then the savings will be inherited in accordance with the procedures specified in the Civil Law.

It is possible to receive the 3rd pension pillar savings from the age of 55. Nevertheless, you may continue your membership in the plan until the time of your choice, thus further increasing your savings.

Your choices – global changes

Have you considered that by choosing pension funds that invest sustainably, your life savings will be making world a better place?

Do you have any questions about the 3rd pension pillar savings? 

Complete our simple form and one of our pension advisors will be in touch with you soon.

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