Changes have been made to the General Terms and Conditions
On January 1, 2023, changes to SEB General Terms and Conditions will enter into force. They are mostly related to the exchange of customer data between SEB group companies and clarify the bank's options to refuse or limit cooperation.
The most important changes are summarized below:
- Added clause (5.4.) which states that the bank may transfer customer data to SEB group companies “so that these companies can evaluate the customer’s solvency and perform credit risk assessment before signing the service agreement with the relevant SEB group company”;
- Two clauses (10.10. and 10.11.) have been added states that the bank has the right to refuse or limit services if the customer does not meet the risk categories established by the bank (in terms of NILLTF, etc.), namely "if SEB establishes that during or before provision of the services the customer and/or the group of Customers corresponds to the category of customers regarding which the restrictions are applicable in accordance with the internal control system of SEB";
- Various additions and other minor editorial changes have been made.
The full text of the existing and updated Terms and Conditions can be found on SEB home page.