Information for SEB SEB deLuxe Fund investors
Considering that several investment funds - SEB deLuxe Multi Asset Defensive (LU0122753667), SEB deLuxe Multi Asset Defensive plus (LU0135018314), SEB deLuxe Multi Asset Balance (LU0122754046) - are being liquidated, they have been withdrawn from our offer of funds.
During December savings and/or future contributions from these funds will be transferred to SEB Strategy funds, that are similar strategy funds in terms of risk class and currency, but more popular in terms of volume of assets and number of customer.
Fund in liquidation | Fund to which the savings will be transferred |
SEB deLuxe Multi Asset Defensive | SEB Strategy Defensive (LU0486618746) |
SEB deLuxe Multi Asset Defensive plus | SEB Strategy Defensive (LU0486618746) |
SEB deLuxe Multi Asset Balance | SEB Strategy Balanced (LU0660786715) |
You can choose any other funds if you wish. The current list of SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE funds is available at , the Internet bank or at any branch of SEB bank. Changes can be made at the branch or by choosing "Life insurance" in the "Savings/Pension" section of the Internet bank.
- To change the breakdown of future contributions, select the section "Applications and changes" - "Change investment structure".
- To change the breakdown of current savings, select the section "Applications and changes" - "Change portfolio structure".